Friday, May 28, 2010


Yesterday turned out to be a simply fantastic day.  Once I got off work things just went wonderfully.  I walked home from work and decided to be spontaneous and stop at this cute local place called the Blue Cockatoo where I found a birthday present for C!  It was so nice to get home to D to gab about our day before we headed over to the Piper Down for a drink and to say goodbye to C.  We got to see and catch up with some of our old friends from N, which was really nice.  We've really missed JF!  Hopefully we're going to see his band play up in Park City in the next few weekends.  Finally back at home, I got to chat with M for a long while before bed which was a great end to a perfect day.  He's going to be teaching me some self defense moves so I can get over my "stranger danger" now that I'm an adult... haha

Today has been a good day too.  I'm going home tonight - right after work - and couldn't be more excited to see E's bunny and my parent's kitchen and basement and everything.  Oh, and tonight is W's graduation party so it'll be nice to hang out with my family's friends and celebrate!  The weather has been crazy today.  Luckily I took advantage of it this morning when it was a nice, sunny 70 degrees!  It's about 50 right now and raining like crazy!  haha  I love it though.  I got to catch up C for a nice long two hours this afternoon.  Thanks C for sticking around for awhile, it's always soooo good to chat with ya!  ...and I'm sorry 'bout your bird poopy, mud-rain car...  Lol

One of my friends, A, was talking in his blog today about how setting your iPod to shuffle is the best way to determine your horoscope for the day.  It's very interesting, but the more I think about, the more I'd definitely have to agree with his little theory!  That being said - my iPod horoscope for both yesterday and today were great.  Only had to skip the occasional Christmas song...  :)  Check out his awesome post for today here.

"We left after dark, the sun had fallen for the moon, and all the moments raced, it's going way too fast, it's way too soon."  ~Teddy Geiger, Gentlemen

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