Sunday, May 2, 2010

Walk On The Ocean

It's May!!  Of course, you never'd be able to guess it because of the snow and freezing weather we've had this past week...  That's the state of Utah for you.

It has been a wonderful weekend so far and I imagine that today is not going to be any different.  Yesterday I took walk around my new neighborhood and I'm pretty much in love with it!  I also started reading The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold and it's really good so far.  The movie just came out this past year and I originally said there was no way in hell I was going to see it, but after Stanley Tucci got his Academy Award Nominee, I would really love to see his performance.  However, I hear the movie is different than the book - as usual - I want to read the book first so that is what I base the movie on, instead of vice versa.  Also, because of the nature and premise of the story, I'd like to prepare myself for what to expect in the movie.  I will be glad when my last finals are over this week to get my summer reading on.  I had a reading list last summer, but I only got to half the books.  This summer there are some books that I definitely want to get to and a ton of others that I have heard good reviews on that I want to add to the list.  Sujal, I never got to The Eyre Affair so that one is definitely at the top of my list this summer  :)

Okay, I suppose that's all I've got to say for now!  I need to get studying so I can enjoy myself later tonight.

"They knew we were lying, but we smiled just the same, it seemed they'd already forgotten we'd came."  ~Toad and the Wet Sprocket, Walk On The Ocean


Anonymous said...

I hope you like it... I did, but I seem to have a really weird taste in books/movies/whatnot. We'll see, I guess.

Sujal said...

That was me by the way... blogger was acting up.
Lo siento

pouring_rain44 said...

No problemo :)

Yeah, I'll definitely let you know how it goes!! I'm not afraid to try new things - be it a different book or whatever.

Sujal said...

That's good. New is never bad.
(Though I absolutely refuse to get into the vampire craze that seems to have taken over.)

pouring_rain44 said...

Ooohhh yeah, ME TOO.