Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rude Boy

Apparently after last weekend I was completely basketballed out... I didn't end up watching a single game this weekend! Bummed that my bracket is completely finished with the UK loss, but at the same time, kind of excited for Butler and Michigan State! Not that I don't like Duke or anything, but I think it'd be sweet to see no first-seed teams in the championship.

Today has been a simply gorgeous day outside! And the exciting thing is - tomorrow it's supposed to be significantly NICER. How that's even plausable, I don't even know - - but I'm sure psyched! Going to have to break out the skirt... yeaaah. :D

Goal was to run 9 miles today. Well, I got to 8.5 miles and realized that I could probably power walk faster than I was "running." haha So I walked the last half a mile, but was still pretty proud of myself. The great news is that my legs are feeling great! Definitely going to be hurting tomorrow, but shins and knees are feeling just dandy! Maybe a tad bothered... but nothing even close to how I thought I'd feel after mile 7. Things are looking up!

I do not want spring break to be over... having school off has been soooo incredibly nice! Tomorrow is going to be rough. Now that I officially have spring fever so very bad, it's definitely going to be hard to sit still for awhile. But I'm glad that the end of this semester is not too far away! Definitely looking forward to summer. And - to be honest - this week is going to be hell, so I pray and wish that it just whizzes by! Really looking forward to next weekend!! :)

"Baby, if I don't feel it, I ain't faking, no no." ~Rihanna, Rude Boy
(Confession: This song is hella dirty.... but I freakin' LOVE it. haha)

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