Monday, March 29, 2010


Aahh back to the grind. Today was actually a pretty painless day. This morning I went to the DLD to renew my license and it went smoothly. I dunno why the DLD gets such a bad rap... everytime I've had to go in, it's taken me less than 45 minutes from start to finish! Guess I'm just a lucky girl. :) Meant to spend a lot of time studying for my exam (that was tonight) this afternoon and it simply didn't happen... I couldn't concentrate and am hooked on some new music and couldn't resist the random dance party I had with myself... haha So I thought I'd just study at work, but today I got handed three separate projects - which is awesome, don't get me wrong! - but that left no time to study. I decided (was forced?) to just wing the exam and you know what? Thank goodness I didn't spend any time studying! It was easy breezy.

Guy dilemma/rant time. There's this guy who I have a little bit of a history with who is in love with me. Yep. (Why? Beats the shit outta me.) But anyways... I'm definitely not into him at all - haven't been for over a YEAR. And somehow, he will not take a hint. Not only will he not take a hint, he doesn't get it when I tell him every other month, "I'M NOT INTERESTED" and have somehow, not had time for him in over a year. A whole year! I've been "busy" for a WHOLE year. And yet, he still texts me these love confessions every week! Um, hellooooo, I'm not your girlfriend! Stop it! Uuugghh. End rant.

I feel like there was something else that I wanted to say... oh well I guess it wasn't important enough.

"Oh everytime I close my eyes, I see my name in shining lights, a different city every night oh I swear, the world better prepare for when I'm a billionaire." ~Travie McCoy (feat. Bruno Mars), Billionaire

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