Sunday, March 14, 2010

In My Head

MARCH MADNESS!!!!! I picked Kentucky to win it all... can't even wait for the games to begin! :)

Today has been an interesting day. I got up late and laid in bed for a long time. Just laid there. Me and my thoughts. I rarely if ever lay there just to lay there. Usually I try to go back to sleep or read a magazine or watch tv or listen to some tunes - something. But not this morning. Also, usually once I get up, I'm pissed that I wasted that much time not being up and about. But not this morning. I actually enjoyed it! Then I went to the gym to run my 7 miles. It was a f*cking disaster. I am so incredibly pissed at my legs. My shin splints fired way the hell up at mile 4 - which never happens - and I had to walk 2 miles. Which, yes, is only 6 miles total, not 7... I kept trying to walk a little and then hopefully start running again, but nope, my legs would not have it. It's really getting me really frustrated because at this point I can't afford to reduce my mileage or take time off. It's angering.

My roommate and I are beginning the official search for our new place to move into in May. We cannot wait to get the f*ck out of this living situation we're in because it's just miserable. We can't stand to be here, we can't stand our other roommates... we're so ready to go. So that's exciting!

Craving pizza and ice cream right now... Dumb. haha

"Just leave with me now, say the word and we'll go." ~Jason Derulo, In My Head


Sujal said...

Kentucky? Are you even allowed to like Kentucky as a fan of the Utes? ;)

I kid, I kid... I can't wait for this either. Still haven't thought out the bracket though...

pouring_rain44 said...

haha Kentucky, bay-bee! :D