Friday, April 23, 2010


Uuuuggghhh - today. Today I have been just dragging so bad. I'm ready for bed, I'm ready to not have to be social, I'm ready to just close my eyes and curl up... and it's only 4:30. Awesome.

As for a certain someone, I really have missed you a lot this week! But I am so sorry that I've got nothing to say... I really am just so dead today for whatever reason and would just love to be in your presence, without having to try, if that's okay with you.

Starting looking at grad programs here and around the western region of the US. I always wanted to continue my education after getting my BA, but though I want to go on to get an MA or PhD, I have absolutely no idea in what particular area or what I want to do with my degree, which poses a serious problem. I've been entertaining a few ideas for the past few years, but I honestly don't see myself being competitive enough for anything, especially because there's nothing that I am so interested in at this point, I feel that would show on any grad application... So, as usual, I have no idea what to do. God, I am just such a failure.

"I'm s-i-c-k of this meaningless life where c-h-a-n-c-e-s pass me by, this is r-e-a-l-i-t-y." ~Bayside, Moceanu


Sujal said...

Man... that last paragraph.
Replace BA with BS and MA or PhD with MS... and you've got me right now.

Though that's not really surprising given our similarities ;)

pouring_rain44 said...

Can't say I'm surprised... ;)

Aw, but honestly, it really sucks, Sujal! What do we do?!

Sujal said...

I have no idea.

I've been looking at so many different programs in the last 2 or 3 months that my head is about to explode. Though, in about 2 weeks I'll graduate, then I can look without having to worry about classes.

What programs are you looking at?

pouring_rain44 said...

I've been looking at Sociology programs - though, I have a specific interest in diversity and not all schools have that area of study. Then some HR programs and Education programs... But honestly, I'm looking cause it's "the next step" but I have no idea what the hell I want. And I don't know to know what I want...

Sujal said...

Ah. Sociology? That's cool.

Yeah, I'm looking... but not as specific as you... I have no idea which program to look at. I'm just afraid that I won't get into what I actually want to do, so I have to look elsewhere.

Not working too well though

pouring_rain44 said...

Well, I'm studying Sociology and Anthropology with a diversity emphasis, and - don't get me wrong - I LOVE it. I just have no idea what I want to do with it... My mom mentioned to me the other day to think about if there's something else that I want to study too like fitness or nutrition because I'm actually pretty educated in that area just because of personal interest and (kind of) obsession. Ugh, I just don't know... it's overwhelming to me to have to figure this shit out for myself. Especially because all my life it's been mapped out for me, black and white, how life it supposed to go. And with my parents as perfect role models for that life, I didn't know any different. But now that I'm my own adult and I'm figuring out that life is shades of gray I could have never imagined, I'm just so lost. However, this past month, I feel like I'm accepting the shades of gray and have been more hopeful... Hopefully that leads to the answers I'm looking for. At the same time, it's such a roller coaster for me that I will most likely be in shambles in the next 10 days and have to start the hopefulness over again...

Wow. If that wasn't word vomit, I dunno what is. haha I think I might have to copy and paste this and make it a post...

pouring_rain44 said...

Sujal, what kind of programs are you looking at?

Sujal said...

Nice. If you went into a grad sociology program, what would you do with it? Research? Teach? Something else? (Just curious...)

Fitness & nutrition doesn't seem like a bad idea, especially with the way the US is quickly embracing obesity as the way to go. Eventually, we'll wake up (hopefully). And then nutrition/fitness won't be bad. ;)

Do you graduate this semester or do you have more time?

I'm looking like everywhere. Med school is ideal, but my resume for that is horrible I think. Currently also looking at things like pharmacoeconomics, but that's only offered at like 2 schools in the country.

pouring_rain44 said...

I don't graduate until next spring, so I do still have time. I am not sure what I'd do with a Soc PhD... I entertain the idea of teaching, but I really don't know.

Yeah, health/nutrition is definitely relevant in today's society! But that means completely starting over... ANd I don't know if it's "dream-worthy" enough to just switch over.

Oh, interesting! I can say the same about mine... was involved in high school, but haven't been in college at all. And my GPA isn't fantastic enough to carry it's own, unfortunately.

UtesFan89 said...

Yep, same problem. GPA isn't high enough (for med schools), and I'm lacking on research. And involvement, I guess. Just a bad candidate, it seems. :(

Nutrition/fitness wouldn't really require starting over would it? Can't you get into a grad program maybe, even if you undergrad major is sociology?

pouring_rain44 said...

You know what, I might actually be able to... I should look into it.

Sujal said...

You should, if that's your thing.
It's at least worth looking into, I think.

I've actually been looking at non-econ related grad programs too. Many of the masters programs out there don't require a major in the same field... just some sort of background.