Friday, April 30, 2010

Mambo Number Five

Lately I've been suffering a whole lot of moral turmoil and yesterday evening at dinner with the Dominicans I had to face them finally for the first time.  I don't want that to come off like it was a bad thing - it's just something that I have continued to put off for a long time now and yesterday was the day that by the time I went to bed, I was a wreck.  I've made a lot of poor decisions as far as my faith and relationship with God, especially recently.  The thing is, that it's totally my fault.  It's me that's stepped away, it's me that's turned my back, it's me that has been accusatory, it's me that feels guilt and remorse...  At the Dominican's, I felt like I had let them down, that I just turned out to be the biggest disappointment.  Turns out, that was not the case at all and I should have known!  I was welcomed so warmly just like the Prodigal Daughter.  Afterward, I was just so emotional, so desperately needing that God that I had turned my back on.  So I've got to change.  I've got to put in the effort.

And I've got to go to confession.

Had my first official grown up TEA PARTY with my friends last night that was so much fun!!  It was our going away party for A and we all had such a good time.  J can vouch on her blog that candles can be waaay more entertaining than they were probably meant to be....  But we all had a great time!

This is totally random considering the fact that I am not even in any sort of serious relationship, nor am I planning on getting married anytime soon, but I have come to the decision that an open bar at my wedding reception is definitely more important than having a professional photographer...  haha

"So what can I do?  I really beg you my Lord, to me flirting is just like a sport, anything fly, it's all good let me just dump it."  ~Lou Bega, Mambo Number Five

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