Sunday, February 7, 2010

Christmas Day

IT'S [practically] CHRISTMAS DAY TODAY!!!!! I am so so glad today has finally come! I've been counting down the hours til kickoff since yesterday morning and am just sooo excited!! Also, got this day off to a good start; I got a new pound of fresh coffee at RoCo last night - the Peru - and it's pretty damn splendid. :) GO COLTS!!!!

Unfortunately yesterday I didn't have time to strength train. After work I headed straight over to mass (since today is for solely praising the football gods and all their glory haha), then to the grocery store to pick up the Super Bowl goods (BBQ pork sandwiches anyone?), then over to S's for a beer and chat, then RoCo to study til midnight, and fiiiinally home where I chatted with the roommates til ~2am. So it was go go go, I should have just gotten up earlier that morning to get 'er done, but it's whatev. I AM going running for sure today. The sun was just out a minute ago, so I'm hoping it comes back out or is not too chilly so I don't have to make 30 laps in the gym.

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