Monday, July 21, 2008

MY life

Today was the first day of my new job and I have a feeling I'm really going to love it! But I need to get another job so I can make some more money before school starts cause I don't have the money to make it through the semester right now.... :S But yeah, life is good! I am starting to get in the hang of living on my own again and I absolutely LOVE it. It's hard to be away from my boyfriend, but I kinda think it's going to be good for me to concentrate. I dunno, we'll see I guess. But I getting my life rolling, going out to see friends, hanging out with the roommates, going to mass, and hopefully getting an exercise schedule going... But I have to force myself to remember that this is MY life and I have to do what's good for ME. I've got to stop living for other people and I need to remember that when I make decisions. So here it is: a toast to MY LIFE :)

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