Monday, February 2, 2009

New Music

I got hooked up with some great new music over the weekend! The first two are local Salt Lake bands from Kyle: Royal Bliss and Broke City. I'm absolutely LOVING Broke City! They have a good variety of songs and I caught on to them way faster than I expected to. I'm also really enjoying Britney's Circus. Ashtan and I were listening to it in her car and it really is a FANTASTIC workout song! I love it! Then Bao has The Kooks on his blog and I really liked them, I think I'm going to have to buy their albums here soon... I love new music!

Today is gorgeous out! It's clear and sunny and luckily pretty warm! Thank goodness.... I hope spring is on its way. I'm ready for the cold and snow to be gone til next year. Happy Groundhog Day!


UtesFan89 said...

Have to ask... why is it not an option to follow your blog? I mean, I see updates because you're on my buddy list (or w/e it's called), but I thought it was an option on all blogs.

Six more weeks of winter... :(

pouring_rain44 said...

Can you not follow my blog?? Weird... Umm I honestly have no idea but I'll look into it! Maybe it's some setting I chose or something. Sorry Sujal!

Oh damn that groundhog... haha