Monday, January 18, 2010


No suggestions needed.... I'M RUNNIN' IT! :D


Alright, so I'm trying to figure out whether or not I ought to train for the SLC Half-Marathon coming up in mid-April... I know that if I put my mind to it, I can do AND my school schedule is looking pretty awesome this semester to where I'm positive I can fit a training regime in just fine. Do I want to train for it...?? Aahh... I can't decide...

Any thoughts? Suggestions?? Please comment here, or lemme know what you think on Facebook! Thanks :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Spring Semester

Okay, so day numero dos of this Spring '10 semester was just as awesome as yesterday! My classes are looking great so far - which is actually a problem because I signed up for 15 credit hours with the intent of dropping one class and at this point I have NO IDEA which one I should drop. I was talking to my mom yesterday and I'm planning on going all week and then deciding over the weekend what I'm going to do and I actually might just keep all 5 classes.... I just have to see if the course load for all 5 classes is going to be do-able. So we'll see!

Right now I'm at work for another hour and a half and I just wanna go home. I'm really exhausted from the start of the semester and I think I might be getting sick because my throat is hurting like a motherf-cker. Boo. I don't want to be sick! I just want some ice cream to ease the pain and attempt to numb my throat for at least a little while. So I might be getting some when I get home tonight, I'm still undecided.

So I have discovered that CHI straighteners (not cheese straighteners - which is what 3 of my friends on separate occasions over the past two days have thought I said) are MAGIC. ...aaaand basically now I have to get myself one. haha I was going to get one today, but I think I'm going to wait until payday... I suppose we'll see if I can hold out that long. Alrighty, later!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Wow... so 3 months later, here I am! Last night I had a great time with my buddies and was encouraged to post again, which is actually a good idea. At this point in life, I honestly cannot complain! I got nothin'. haha School starts again tomorrow and I can't f*ckin' wait. The nerd in me has been ready for the past 2 weeks already, so I'm pretty psyched. :)

On weight loss, I made the goal of 6 lbs/mo so by my birthday I should be about 10 pounds away from my goal! I just gotta keep up the good work, drinks lots of water, get into a good workout routine, and not fall to all the MANY saboteurs out there. I can do it!

Mentally, I've been doing so good the past few months, since D moved in. Thank God for her! We were talking about it last night actually, and since she's moved in, I had one momentary lingering thought of poor judgment... But other than that, the past semester couldn't have been better! Laters