Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday Monday...

Today is my dad and little brother's BIRTHDAY!! And I didn't get to go home to celebrate with them last night, but I did get to see my dad today, which was so nice.

My grades this semester are EXCELLENT so far. FIIIINALLY!!! I've got two A-s and an A and I'm looking at another A in Architecture. Sweet!

So I've got to just push the pain in my knee aside and start getting back into my workout routine. Not kill my knee or anything, but no baby-ing and just push it a little. Don't get me wrong, walking is nice, but oh my gosh I just want to do more!! And I want to start hiking again, the weather is just so beautiful for hiking and I need to start getting in shape to climb Mt. Olympus again this fall.

I just ate the most delicious chocolate ball that Cameron made. Wow. It was like a little drop of heaven... Delicious :)


UtesFan89 said...

Congrats on the grades!

As for hiking... I've rarely done it before (though I did go on one Saturday with some friends). I'm hoping to start now... though that'll be put to an end when we leave the state for like 20 days in a bit.

I think the plan of my friend that plans all of these is to hike Olympus at some point... I hope to be in shape (doubtful) to be able to do that. Never hiked it before. Any good?

pouring_rain44 said...


And keep at it and you'll be in shape in no time! Are you planning on hiking Mt. Olympus? It's incredibly difficult, but so awesome to finish.

Why are you leaving the state and for how long?

UtesFan89 said...

Cousin is getting married. I leave this coming week, and get back the 2nd week (or so... not certain of exactly when) of June.